Research Article Open Access

Biochemical Indicators and Nutritional Value of Horsemeat Infected by Parascaridosis and Sampled from the Surrounding Areas of Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Kazakhstan

Shyngys Suleimenov1, Sergazy Duyssembaev1, Ainur Serikova1, Abdrakhman Baygazanov1, Ainur Koygeldinova1 and Zhanibek Yessimbekov1
  • 1 Shakarim University, Kazakhstan


Due to high prevalence of the Parascaris equorum among horses, the effect of Paracardiosis infestation on nutritional and biological values of meat is required. In an effort to analyze the radionuclides contents, biochemical parameters and biological value of horsemeat collected from different areas of Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) of Kazakhstan. The prevalence of parascaridosis was performed following standard protocols. Organoleptic properties, chemical composition, amino acids composition, vitamin contents of meat collected from zone of extreme radiation risk, zone of maximum radiation risk, zone of increased radiation risk and zone of minimum radiation risk were appraised following previously reported standard assays. pH indicators, reaction to peroxidase enzyme, formolic reaction and bacterioscopy of fingerprints were done. Contents of essential minerals were also compared. Specific radioactivity of radionuclides in meat were Am-241 less than 0.5 Bq/kg, Cs-37 from 0.5-3.99 Bq/kg and Pu-239/240 from 0.0003-0.056 Bq/kg. The chemical composition showed that the content of protein varies from 14.2-18.7% and fat from 14.2-17.2%. In addition, the content of amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins were evaluated. Among the mineral composition, iron content was from 2705-3012 µg/100 g, copper from 178.0-195 µg/100 g and zinc from 27.7-29.5 µg/100 g, depending on the remoteness of areas from the SNTS.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Volume 16 No. 1, 2021, 39-47


Submitted On: 22 December 2020 Published On: 9 February 2021

How to Cite: Suleimenov, S., Duyssembaev, S., Serikova, A., Baygazanov, A., Koygeldinova, A. & Yessimbekov, Z. (2021). Biochemical Indicators and Nutritional Value of Horsemeat Infected by Parascaridosis and Sampled from the Surrounding Areas of Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Kazakhstan. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 16(1), 39-47.

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  • Horsemeat
  • Radionuclide
  • Semipalatinsk Test Site
  • Mineral, Vitamins
  • Amino Acids
  • Fatty Acids