Research Article Open Access

Factors Affecting Chemo-physical and Rheological Behaviour of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 Metal Glassy Alloy Supercooled Liquids

Apicella Antonio1 and Aversa Raffaella1
  • 1 Second University of Naples, Italy


Segregation by selective cold crystallizations and glass transition changes in Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 metal supercooled metastable liquid annealed at different temperatures have been theoretically correlated to melt viscosity modifications. Crystallization behavior has been found to be principally related to the high mobility and smaller Be, Cu and Ni atoms. Multiple exothermal peaks in isothermal DSC annealing’s have been observed in these bulk metal glassy supercooled liquids. A significant increase of the glass transitions temperatures were experimentally measured in cold crystallized samples. Isothermal and temperature scans by Differential Scanning Calorimetry have shown that the three smaller elements present in the alloy (namely Be, Ni and Cu) were involved in recrystallization process in the temperatures interval from glass transition to 470°C. Isothermal annealing's at temperatures ranging from 400° to 450°C have been considered. Glass transitions and crystallization kinetics in the super-cooled liquid have been measured.

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 9 No. 1, 2016, 98-106


Submitted On: 3 January 2016 Published On: 25 February 2016

How to Cite: Antonio, A. & Raffaella, A. (2016). Factors Affecting Chemo-physical and Rheological Behaviour of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 Metal Glassy Alloy Supercooled Liquids. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9(1), 98-106.

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  • Bulk Glass Metals
  • Rheology
  • Chemorheological Model
  • Segregation
  • Cold Crystallization