Research Article Open Access

A Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Random Bell Pair Selection

Devendar Rao Babu1 and Ramkumar Jayaraman1
  • 1 Department of Computing Technologies, School of Computing, College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India


The traditional security system, which depends on asymmetric and symmetric key exchange protocol, is now under threat due to recent developments in quantum computing. In order to generate the safe key without storing the qubit by the sender or recipient trustworthy parties, a unique Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol was presented. Four random classical bits coupled to generate a pair of bell states in any of the places {(1,2,3,4), (1,3,2,4) and (1,4,2,3)}. "n/2" groups were used to generate the raw key while the remaining groups were used to check for Eve. The flying bell states scatter into four separate bell states as a result of Eve's involvement in choosing the incorrect measurement basis, which causes entanglement swapping and its identification during communication. The sender will alter the key in accordance with the receiver's position preference because, in traditional communication, key receiving parties must announce the position information. Under the intercept-measure-resend attack, the trade-off between the key generating rate and disturbance is computed and security is examined. Circuit simulation is demonstrated graphically in IBM Quantum Lab and the proposed protocol is implemented.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 19 No. 9, 2023, 1160-1169


Submitted On: 1 June 2023 Published On: 28 August 2023

How to Cite: Babu, D. R. & Jayaraman, R. (2023). A Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Random Bell Pair Selection. Journal of Computer Science, 19(9), 1160-1169.

  • 1 Citations



  • Bell Pair
  • Entanglement Swapping
  • Superdense Coding
  • Quantum Key Distribution