Research Article Open Access

Employing New Mathematical Models and Equations to Evaluate Risk-Benefit Criteria of Clinical Therapeutics

Da Yong Lu1, Ting Ren Lu1 and Jian Ding2
  • 1 Shanghai University, China
  • 2 Shanghai Institute of Materia, China


Current preclinical and clinical evaluation of a drugs or therapy is at first to find out a maximum toxicity tolerance, which is overall fixed. The potential therapeutic dosage will be ranged just lower or within the periphery of these maximum tolerant data. A hidden acceptance among general researchers lies as the toxicity concentration of a drug is always the same and can be referred as a fixed data. However, practical therapeutics is not very strictly following this doctrine. Even using many strict well-formed mathematical models and toxicity evaluating systems, the disputes and lawsuits of some newly-developed drugs are increasing dramatically nowadays. In this work, a mathematical equation and a dynamic parameter τ are generated to help improving this situation. This new mathematic model combines and integrates effective, toxicity and no effective data as a whole, which fits to evaluate the risk-benefits of therapeutics in dynamic and changeable states. We need no more to deduce therapeutic dosage from fixed tolerance data regardless different therapeutic modes of action and toxicity of drugs acting on different organs and physiological systems. We hypothesize and equation that risk-benefit ratios are varied with drug dosages. It is a new start to help the understanding of effects and toxicities of therapeutic same time in a single clinical practice and well compliment with previous mathematical models.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 7 No. 1, 2007, 1-2


Submitted On: 23 November 2006 Published On: 30 June 2007

How to Cite: Lu, D. Y., Lu, T. R. & Ding, J. (2007). Employing New Mathematical Models and Equations to Evaluate Risk-Benefit Criteria of Clinical Therapeutics. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(1), 1-2.

  • 2 Citations



  • Mathematical models
  • risk-benefit criteria
  • clinical therapeutics