Investigation Open Access

Developing a System of Organic Farming Technologies to Obtain Environmentally Clean Agricultural Products (Organic Food) in the Steppe Zone of the Kostanai Region

Almabek Batyrzhanovich Nugmanov1, Yuriy Valerievich Tulayev1, Saniya Abiltaevna Tulkubayeva1 and Svetlana Vladimirovna Somova1
  • 1 Limited Liability Company “Kostanai Research Institute of Agriculture” 12, Yubileinaya Str., Zarechnoye Village, Kostanai District, 111108, Kostanai Region, Kazakhstan


The goal of the research is to study the opportunity to produce environmentally clean agricultural products (organic food) under the conditions of the Kostanai Region. The researches were made in two crop rotations: cereal laying fallow, two-field crop rotation (1 – biologized fallow – mustard, 2 – wheat) and cereal laying fallow, two-field crop rotation (1 – biologized fallow – grass sorghum, 2 – wheat). Both are formed on stubbles and shredded straw, where wheat cultivation technologies are used. Experimental variants of wheat cultivation are classified into saving organic technologies. Over the 2012-2014 researches, biologized fallows of the Sudan grass happened to be the best forecrops when fighting against weediness of crops both at the fallow stage and for the next crop after the fallow. The cocurrent observations allowed revealing the tendency of improving the erosion resistance of biologized fields occupied by the mustard and Sudan grass for crop residue. Data on the yield for three years say about the efficiency of short crop rotations with biologized fields. Thus, the wheat yield after the grass sorghum for the years of researches made up 17.9 c/ha – technology 1, 18.7 c/ha – technology 2 and 17.1 c/ha – technology 3. After mustard it was 17.0 c/ha – technology 1, 17.9 c/ha – technology 2 and 19.6 c/ha – technology 3. The denial from applying pesticides, along with biologization of fallow fields and applied cultivation technologies made it possible to decrease the content of trace quantities of pesticides in soil and wheat samples at the initial stage of the three years’ period and to entirely clean the experimental field and yield from toxic remnants by the end of the three years’ researches.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 18 No. 2, 2018, 130-137


Submitted On: 13 September 2017 Published On: 23 December 2017

How to Cite: Nugmanov, A. B., Tulayev, Y. V., Tulkubayeva, S. A. & Somova, S. V. (2018). Developing a System of Organic Farming Technologies to Obtain Environmentally Clean Agricultural Products (Organic Food) in the Steppe Zone of the Kostanai Region. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(2), 130-137.

  • 1 Citations



  • Organic Farming
  • Biologized Farming
  • Crop Rotation
  • Soil Preparation
  • Technology
  • Straw
  • Grain
  • Yield