Development of Technology for Obtaining Protein Hydrolysate from Camel Offal using Enzymatic Hydrolysis
- 1 Department «Technology of Food products», Faculty of Food Production, Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The research is devoted to the creation of protein hydrolysate from camel wool offal. Protein deficiency in diets leads to the search for additional sources of protein. In this regard, protein hydrolysates are a promising reserve for enriching food products with proteins, the problems of obtaining which attract the attention of researchers. The quality and properties of protein hydrolysates are determined by the raw material, the method of hydrolysis and subsequent processing of the resulting product. The total protein content in offal can be from 19.5% (camel's legs with a put joint) to 21.2% (pork's legs), fat-from 3.2% (camel's legs with a put joint) to 21.0% (pork's legs). Data analysis shows that the fat content in camel offal is 2.25 times lower than in beef offal and in pork offal- 6.5 times, which will allow obtaining protein hydrolysate with higher storage capacity. It was found that the maximum degree of hydrolysis, the highest yield of protein hydrolysate in dry form was achieved at a temperature of 45°C with a hydrolysis duration of 8 h with the addition of 15% pancreatic suspension. As a result of the conducted research, the possibility of using camel offal in the production of protein hydrolysate is justified, optimal modes of obtaining protein hydrolysate are established and its nutritional value is evaluated.
Copyright: © 2020 Aigul Tayeva, Zhuldyz Satayeva, Lyazzat Baibolova, Assel Bulambayeva and Gaukhar Kuzembayeva. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 1 Citations
- Camel Meat
- Camel Wool Offal
- Protein Hydrolysate
- Herodietic Meat Product
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis