Research Article Open Access

Obtaining Organic Poultry Breeding Products in Prevention of Mycotoxicosis

Alena Kapitonova1, Makhabat Saginbayeva2, Kulbaram Bayazitova3, Tleubergen Bayazitov3 and Alma Aubakirova3
  • 1 Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vitebsk, Belarus
  • 2 S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University, Kazakhstan
  • 3 M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the prevention of mycotoxicosis in poultry farming as one of the main components of effective management of the industry. Despite the step-by-step control, the synergy of mycotoxins has a detrimental effect on the bird's body, especially at the final stage of fattening. Growth inhibition, as well as sudden death syndrome, reduce the economic impact. We tested and proposed for introduction into production the organic sorbent "Toxfin dry", which contributed to improving the sanitary quality of feed and reduced the level of mycotoxins-by 46.3-85.3%. We obtained a positive effect of the use of the mycotoxin adsorbent when introduced into the diets of broiler chickens. The experimental bird was fed mixed feed of various quality. The best productive qualities were possessed by broilers from the 3rd experimental group, where in addition to the mixed feed seeded with mycotoxins, for the prevention purpose, the mycotoxin adsorbent "Toxfin dry"was set. During the experimental work, the bird of the 3rd group was stress-resistant, calmly reacted to the work of the poultry house, timely approached the feeders and drinkers. The live weight at the slaughter age exceeded the results of the analogues by 2.1-6.8%. Feed costs for the production of a unit of production, in comparison with poultry from the 2nd group, decreased by 5.1%. The studies conducted with the help of the test object Tetrahymena Piriformis showed that the relative biological value of the experimental meat samples of the 3rd group was higher than the control indicators - by 1.2%. The introduction of the mycotoxin adsorbent "Toxfin dry" with mixed feed, for preventive purposes, contributed to an increase in the average live weight of broilers - by 4.2%, safety-by 2.8 percentage points and a decrease in feed consumption-by 13.9%. The European Broiler meat Production Efficiency Index increased by 59.6 points. The economic effect of using the mycotoxin adsorbent was 15.4 rubles per 1 ruble of costs. Taking into account the technologies used for raising poultry, as well as the livestock located in the poultry house, the economic effect can increase proportionally. The introduction of mycotoxin adsorbents into the diets of broiler chickens for preventive purposes is a necessary condition for the prevention of mycotoxicosis and, consequently, a guaranteed increase in the profitability of production.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 21 No. 3, 2021, 213-220


Submitted On: 13 April 2021 Published On: 28 July 2021

How to Cite: Kapitonova, A., Saginbayeva, M., Bayazitova, K., Bayazitov, T. & Aubakirova, A. (2021). Obtaining Organic Poultry Breeding Products in Prevention of Mycotoxicosis. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 21(3), 213-220.

  • 10 Citations



  • Broiler Chicken
  • Mycotoxin
  • Adsorbents
  • Productiveness
  • Meat
  • Profitability