Research Article Open Access

Performance Indicators of the Improved Technology of Soilless Growth the Tomato in the PreAral Sea Region

Rakhym Iskendirovich Kudiyarov1, Elina Bakhtiyarovna Dyamurshayeva1, Gulsim Zikiriyevna Sauytbayeva2, Dyamurshayeva Galina Evgenievna2, Mariya Abdikhalikovna Taiteli3 and Zhaxybay Tuleubayev4
  • 1 Kyzylorda Institute of Technology and Service, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Agrobiological Center, Department of Science, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • 3 Amangeldy Secondary School, Turkestan Region, Kazakhstan
  • 4 Department of Chemistry and Biology, Taraz Regional University Named after M. Kh. Dulati, Taraz, Kazakhstan


This scientific work is a continuation of the research on the effectiveness of the use of soilless technology for growing tomatoes in the PreAral Sea region, conducted on the basis of the greenhouse of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. In previous studies, the technological parameters of culture management were separately studied and their optimal values for regional conditions were established, some of which differed from the parameters in the previously used technology proposed by OLDS College (Canada). Based on the results obtained, an improved technology of soilless growth the tomato was developed, the study of the effectiveness of which was the purpose of these studies. The studies were carried out on hybrid tomatoes Lilos F1 (RZ Netherlands), which was grown on a composite substrate of sawdust and rice husk in conditions of extended turnover. The research results showed that the use of improved technology of groundless tomato cultivation contributed to the creation of the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of tomato hybrid plants, increased productivity and product quality. The period before flowering was reduced by 4 days, and before fruiting-by 6 days, the first flower cluster was laid earlier (by 1 leaf), and the first three clusters formed a larger number of fruits (by 1.6). The early yield of tomatoes increased by 2.12 kg/m2, and the total-by 3.74 kg/m2. Due to the formation of larger fruits, the average weight of which was higher by 14.7 g, the yield of standard products increased by 2.4%. The qualitative characteristics of tomato fruits did not show significant differences, and their taste qualities remained at a high level.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 23 No. 1, 2023, 109-116


Submitted On: 6 May 2022 Published On: 24 March 2023

How to Cite: Kudiyarov, R. I., Dyamurshayeva, E. B., Sauytbayeva, G. Z., Evgenievna, D. G., Taiteli, M. A. & Tuleubayev, Z. (2023). Performance Indicators of the Improved Technology of Soilless Growth the Tomato in the PreAral Sea Region. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 23(1), 109-116.

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  • Product Quality
  • Productivity
  • Soilless Technology
  • Substrate
  • Tomato